LinkedIn has gained significant popularity in the last few years. Employers can recruit directly from the site, job hunters can search openings, users can make professional connections, and it’s a great way to share news and articles that can benefit you either on the job search or climbing the ladder. LinkedIn is an easy way to get a professional edge. It’s simple to use interface and sleek layout make it easy to display your experience and talent all in one place. Future employers may seek you out based on your profile and current employers may find more value in your skillset because of it. It doesn’t matter what your professional situation is, you’ll want to have a powerful LinkedIn profile.
#1 – Your LinkedIn Photo
The first thing that people are going to notice when they view your LinkedIn profile is your face. Make sure to use a professional, quality photo and smile! It’s important that your photo represents you in a positive light. Steer clear of mirror selfies. This page showcases your professional prowess so your photo should project energy and professionalism.
#2 – Contributions
LinkedIn gauges your profile strength from beginner to all-star and displays your ranking directly on your profile. It lets you know what information you are lacking and why you should add that information. An important part of building a strong profile is adding to it. If your profile does not contain a lot of information about your work history, skills, education, and volunteer experience then you aren’t likely to leave a memorable impression. Make sure to add relevant information that people would not get to see just by looking at your resume and always keep it up to date.
#3 – Your Headline
If you don’t specify, LinkedIn will input your job title and company. This doesn’t mean that you can’t get creative. If you want to stand out, put some thought into it. Your headline should include keywords that will lead the right people to your LinkedIn profile. It should also be an honest representation of your experience and what you have to offer.
#4 – Keeping It Simple
When listing your job experience and skills be honest and keep it simple. There is no need to go into every job duty that you performed at every job that you’ve held. Use bullet points and specifics to showcase your most applicable contributions and achievements. Don’t get wordy or you will drown out the significance.
#5 – Recommendations
Reach out to your professional connections for recommendations. This can be current or previous employers and colleagues, anyone that can confirm or promote your professional skills and knowledge. If you find that you aren’t getting responses right away, remember to pay it forward. The easiest way to get a recommendation is to give one.
#6 – Your Summary
Your summary is the perfect place to break away from overused adjectives and trite business jargon. Speak to your passion and drive. Take care in writing a summary that not only conveys who you are and what you are about but also why you are different. This is a great place to add links, videos, or presentations that really add something different and noteworthy.
If you need help with your LinkedIn profile, we have your back! Take a quick moment to check out the services we offer and contact us today!