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Stop Overcomplicating Things – A Proactive Approach

Writer's picture: Melanie KoerperichMelanie Koerperich

Overcomplicating things can create a lot more struggle than it’s worth. We all overcomplicate our lives at some time or another.  We blow up over something minuscule and wonder where all the emotion is coming from.  It isn’t healthy and it isn’t conducive to productivity or happiness.

A mountain from a molehill, an exaggeration of complexity, a simple situation into a stressful one; when we start overcomplicating things we take a situation that could have been easily handled and turn it into a struggle.  We cause unwanted stress and frustration and put valuable time into the negative aspects of something that we have allowed to overwhelm us unnecessarily.

Do you ever feel as though the majority of your life is just too stressful?  That nothing goes your way?  Do you sometimes think about a situation after it has happened and feel like you could have handled it differently or more calmly?  Have you thought back to a stressful situation and felt that it doesn’t seem as overwhelming anymore? If so, read on so you can start preventing the blow ups, dump some of the stress, and stop overcomplicating things!

Overcomplicating Has Become the Norm

The first problem is that over-complication has become normal, an expectation in some instances.  Just think of the things that we feel that we NEED with us every day.  The amount of stuff that we carry around, keep up with, perform maintenance on, and overstimulate ourselves with.  We have phones, tablets, purses, laptops, chargers, earbuds, keys, gym bags, etc.  It has become completely acceptable to take something with you to entertain yourself while you are going somewhere to entertain yourself.  Let’s just think about that for a minute.

Very few places in our lives are safe from over-complication.  We hold secret competitions that no one else knows about to be the most involved parent, to have the most Pinterest-approved holiday dinners, or to be the first one in and the last one out of the office each day.  Then, we make ourselves believe that we are supposed to do and be these things.  These what we believe to be the expectations of others and that being the best or the first is the only sign that you care or are capable.  But we are wrong!

We are pressuring ourselves unnecessarily. We are missing some of the best moments because we are too busy making everything so difficult that it just isn’t fun anymore.  And ironically, the people that we are trying so hard to impress often don’t notice our efforts because they are busy doing the same thing.

Change Your Words

The first step is to change how you use two specific words; want and need.  If I were to ask you to list some things that you currently need I’m sure that most of you could instantly start providing a list.  But if I ask you to go back over the list and really think about which things are wants and which are needs I’d guarantee the list would get much smaller.

We take so many things for granted that we don’t really know how to distinguish wants and needs anymore.  Often times, we feel that if we want something then we must have it and view it as a necessity.  That simply isn’t so. That doesn’t just go for material things.  The same can be said for tasks that we choose to do or not to do.  You may want to get everything off your to-do list completed, but what things need to be done.  What can you feasibly achieve and still keep a good balance?

Be Proactive

We often make things harder than they have to be because of poor planning and poor choices.  Our actions have consequences and it’s important to know what they are before taking a step.  Avoid feeling overwhelmed by taking care of issues as they arise.  Don’t avoid situations or tasks and let them accumulate until they are too much to handle.  Ignoring a problem only makes a bigger problem.  It seldom, if ever, makes the problem go away.


There are many times when we feel ourselves getting worked up and instead of stepping back from the situation we roll around in like a child throwing a tantrum.  Stop overcomplicating and start processing.  Take a deep breath and think about what is really going on.  Is it really that bad?  Can it be avoided in the future?  Will you learn something from the experience?

Be Realistic

It’s important that we are realistic about how we handle situations, how we view ourselves, and the sources of our issues.  Don’t spend your time measuring yourself to someone else or striving for perfection.  Allow yourself to make mistakes.  Allow yourself to be imperfect.  Take ownership of your problems and how you approach them.

If the world is constantly handing you a raincloud and the sun shines on everyone around you then maybe you just need an umbrella.  We often focus our frustration, time, attention, and emotions on things that we can’t change which leads to overcomplicating things.  No, you can’t make it stop raining.  But, you can buy some adorable rain boots, pack an umbrella, and get on with your life.

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