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Workplace Satisfaction Goes A Long Way For Employers And Employees

Writer's picture: Melanie KoerperichMelanie Koerperich

Updated: Jul 14, 2022

There’s a lot to be said about workplace satisfaction! Let’s say conservatively the average worker spends about 50% of their waking hours at their job and another 10% getting to and from work each day. Wouldn’t it seem reasonable that one of the factors you should consider when taking a job should be your affinity for the job itself?

A Typical Working Day

Let’s look at it this way. You will spend more continuous conscious time at your job than you will any place else, right? Let’s say you wake up at 6 AM, get ready, and leave the house by 8:30 AM. You spent only two and a half continuous conscious hours at your home. You get home from work at 5:30 PM and go to bed at 9 PM. You’ve only spent another three and a half continuous conscious hours at your home, contingent on the fact that you didn’t go out for dinner, run errands, etc.

Now let’s look at your typical workday. You get to the office at 9 AM and work until your noon lunch. You eat lunch in the break room at the office and go back to work until 5  or 5:30 PM. Where did you spend the most continuous time? At work! So, why would you choose a job that you have to coerce yourself into going to daily?

Workplace Satisfaction Affects The Bottom Line

According to this study conducted in 2010 by James K. Harter and associates (Gallup) and published in Perspectives on Psychological Sciences, workers who are engaged in their jobs and satisfied at work have a high impact on their employer’s bottom line. In fact, this study estimated that disengaged workers cost $300 billion in lost productivity every year. This astonishing statistic should be a wake-up call to not only the employees but to business owners and managers being held accountable for that bottom line.

A Wake-Up Call

Here’s a wake-up call to those employers out there placing more emphasis on experience or education than actual desire for the job. Most aspects of a job can be taught, but enthusiasm and passion cannot. So to you job seekers out there, find a job you love and you’ll be more likely to succeed. Employers, find a candidate with passion and enthusiasm and see the benefit to productivity in your bottom line.

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